Category Archives: Resources

In addition to hundreds of technical reports, land use strategies and associated documents written on behalf of clients, John has written widely for local and national publications including Canadian Business, The Forestry Chronicle, The Walrus, and Vancouver Magazine. Topics covered are as diverse as tenure reform, forest certification and the growing role of aboriginal title and rights in defining energy policy in Canada.

Power Broker

As head of the B.C. Transmission Corporation, David Emerson will be a key architect of the city’s (and the province’s) economic future
By John Cathro and Paul Webster

For David Emerson, the past year has been a wild ride. At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, he was Canada’s top representative. Back in Ottawa, he was the country’s minister of foreign affairs (and B.C.’s top Tory). Then, in September of last year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper called a snap election and the one man who could claim to be a close confidant of both Harper and B.C. premier Gordon Campbell was out of a job… Read the full article at Vancouver Magazine.

First Nations Claim Their Land

First Nations Claim Their Land – Canada’s Olympic Countdown
a report by Jürgen Hansen, Simone Stripp and Paul Webster with additional research by John Cathro
Broadcasted on DEUTSCHE WELLE International German TV on Feb. 8, 2009

When the 2010 Olympic Games put Vancouver firmly on the world sports stage, the spotlight will also be on the region’s First Nations, or Aboriginal Peoples. They are gaining increasing influence, particularly in western Canada. Their claims to ownership of key swathes of land have now been recognized by Canada’s highest courts and by the provincial government of British Columbia. With the court rulings to back them up, a few hundred native Americans can block projects worth billions of dollars, including the long overdue modernization of high-tension power lines that supply Vancouver with electricity.

Hands Off

Is “smart regulation” dumb for Canada’s wilderness areas?
by Paul Webster and John Cathro

It started like a nasty marital spat flaring up in a crowded hotel lobby. It turned into a long series of angrier spats heard around the world. The antagonists were loggers and environmentalists, quarrelling over an Ireland-sized chunk of British Columbia labelled the Great Bear Rainforest… Read the full article as a pdf

Bitter Harvest

A pine beetle infestation is ravaging B.C. forests. Evidence points to climate change as the catalyst.
By John Cathro and Paul Webster

As boom towns go, Quesnel, a quiet community of 11,000 in central British Columbia, can lean on it’s history. It first made its mark during the Cariboo gold rush back in 1862. After the gold thinned out, the lumber industry moved in. Now, Quesnel has another boom on its hands…Read the full article as a pdf

Interface Fuel Treatments: Burning

This short clip demonstrates how highly combustible forest fuels near communities can be disposed of by burning. Filmed in West Creston, BC, Canada, these workers all live in town and neighbouring communities. This project is part of a regional effort lead by various levels of governments to reduce the risk of fire in the interface between the forest and people’s homes.