We offer services in the following areas:
• Third Party Certification
• Strategic Land Use Planning
• Facilitation, Mediation and Training
• Wildland Urban Interface Forestry
Third Party Certification
Increasingly people are demanding that claims of social and environmental responsibility can be verified. Third party certification does this and involves these three parties: the company getting certified, the organization that sets the standard, and the certification body that audits the company against the standard. John has worked extensively for all three of these parties in forestry, carbon and aggregates sectors.
To learn more and read about why the most rigorous third party certification systems follow the ISEAL Codes of Best Practice.
Clients we have worked with in this area:
Strategic Land Use Planning
Assisting with Land Use Planning for communities in British Columbia is a great privilege. Working for First Nations, within Traditional Territories that span hundreds of thousands of hectares values include cultural heritage, vast wilderness as well as valuable resources. Analysis and strategic thinking supports negotiation with governments and companies. John continues to work for First Nations across the province in areas as diverse as forestry, energy, species at risk, and mining.
Clients we have worked with in this area:

Facilitation, Mediation and Training
Increasingly, historically divided companies, communities and governments are seeking ways to collaborate on responsible resource use. John helps these different groups build relationships and reach agreement to balance ecological, cultural and economic values. This involves meeting facilitation, targeted mediation, process design and training.
Clients we have worked with in this area:

Wildland Urban Interface Forestry
After several decades of fire suppression the forests adjacent to communities in British Columbia pose an increasing risk catastrophic fire due to the build up forest fuels in the form of dead and dying trees. If done right, thinning these forests can reduce the risk of fire by decreasing the amount of forest fuel, restore natural resilience to forests by retaining the big, old healthy trees and, and provide well paid local employment. John collaborates with experts in the field such as BA Blackwell and Associates to deliver a full suit of services from writing fuel modification prescriptions to working with local governments to set strategic priorities to implementing fuel reduction projects.